tie pilot




I so enjoyed my first run out that I wanted to try to upgrade the outfit to this (picture taken once again from the 501st CRL).



Once again, the internet was my friend, only this time I found a group on facebook who are into building the various parts. I ordered a helmet and armour from one supplier, and the chest box from another. The box arrived first. 




 Built by man in Germany, (Jason from BTProps) there are 3 lights on it, which I might not use as the official sites don't always pass lit accessories.  Then again, I might just make the lights flash, Maplins do a unit that randomly flash a set of LEDs. Could be fun to try that out....

 It will attach to the chest armour (when I get it).



  Adding a couple of ribbed hoses which will link the chestbox to the helmet. The first ones I fitted were too large, so that the helmet was pushed up when they were fitted, and I couldn't see. Adjust adjust adjust...




Next, as I think that trooping will get quite hot in the helmet, I added two computer fans into the box, which should push some air into the helmet. Just moving the air round should help, and keep my glasses clear. The fans are wired via switches into 9v batteries, which also power the lights







Inside the Andy Rodgers-built helmet I put in some foam padding to help it fit. This is a first test, I might replace the foam with a proper helmet insert if the foam doesn't work. The worst part of fitting the foam is the smell of the glue, I recommend a well-ventilated room, or do it when you have a cold. The DA helmet is quite large, so the fit will take a while to get right. Andy supplied the helmet and armour, a chest plate, back plate and shoulder straps plus an extra piece of plastic that I didn't know what to do with.



Because the TIE reserve got turned down by the 99th clearance team, I invested in a few changes to help it pass. I bought a pair of gauntlets and riding boots, which I will have to cut down to make them fit correctly.



Shoulder strap bending. They are supplied flat, so they need bending around the shoulder. As plastic isn't that strong, they won't be used to support the armour, but will float over the shoulder. And I worked out what the spare piece of plastic is for : the octagonal adornments to the end of the strap. First I attached poppers to the shoulder pieces, then to a pair of straps (trial & error on strap length).

Next piece of fun, put the trimmed shoulder straps into the oven for a while. Squeaky bum time as if you leave them in too long the pressing flattens, as I found on the stormtrooper ones. Luckily, I managed to get it almost right this time. 

Putting it all together, I can then submit these pics to the MKG :





I'm cleared for trooping, and do so at CollectorMania. (see Trooping)

 Once again, demonstrating the different requirements of the various groups 'out there', I submit the above costume to the 99th Garrison, it fails to gain approval ! Although, they do give me a temporary pass, as long as I change the boots and darken the lenses. Looking at the above picture, you can see my glasses. So, I can resume the hunt for a comfortable pair of boots on eBay while I'm trooping with the 99th.

Returning from CollectorMania, I address some problems with the suit :

The straps were a pain as they spin round, so I placed a couple of blobs of velcro under the leading edge to prevent this.

I found that the air pushed in from the fans was just about adequate, so would probably struggle on sunnier days. I (hopefully) fixed this by putting another battery in to up the voltage. They are 12v fans, running off 9v batteries. Another one certainly ups the flow, but also the noise, so that I will have to see about. Both fans came loose, so I changed the fixings to make them stronger.

I was amused/impressed by some of the radio setups in the stormtroopers, both at CollectorMania and Burnley. I downloaded a few files of random radio chatter, and will add an mp3 player to the second input on my loudspeaker, which will produce background noise while I walk. I need to change either the mic, or the position of the speaker so that I don't get so much feedback. A different mic might help.

To get approval with the 99th Garrison, I have had to make a few changes to the suit. I've added another layer of green cellophane to the eyes, and coated the foam with black gaffer tape to reduce the light level in the helmet. I'm going to get a few decent photos taken at work one Saturday, so I will see how they look. A third layer, or a different colour might help loose the reflections. Damn my glasses

   Also, I've invested in a pair of proper German army boots, the same type that were used on the films. They have the straps at the top (as per CRL) and the tags inside to help pull them on. Of course, with my feet one fits perfectly and one is too tight. Stretching and covering in cream to soften them begins.


      This is the 'new' picture, including boots and extra lens colour. This got 99th approval, so I am free to troop with them in it.  Which is OK for the minute, but I think I'd like to try for approval with the UK Garrison, which would get me an official TI-number. I might have to re-visit the hoses, especially as they are a bit stiff, so limit the head movement. A quick visit to a website (recommended to me by someone who should know better, as it sells fetish gear) gets me 2 new gasmask pipes, which are very flexible. The only problem this causes is that the old pipes used to hold the mask up, now it is pulled down under the weight of the hoses. I'll have to look at the padding inside to see if I can change it to stop this. And the other problem I have with the padding is that is knocks my glasses down my nose so that I cannot see properly. Minor teething issues, methinks.



So, I submitted the pictures to the UKG, and was handed a list of things that need to be changed/adjusted.

Turns out that the bottom of the chest plate should be straight rather than curved, so it was back to the workbench and sharp knife. With shaky hands, I lopped off the bottom and made it squarer.

Next up, the belt. The cosplay-type belt is too rounded for the CRL, so I managed to find another one which has sharper corners.


With the padding inside the lid adjusted to keep the brow off of my glasses, I can now see properly, and the flexible hoses don't pull the lid down so much. More comfortable than the previous arrangement. I check with the MKG and the 99th, who deem the changes that I have made don't require going through the clearance system again. So, the unit now looks like this :

I've also been invited to troop in Wolverhampton, with a bunch that collect on behalf of Multiple Sclerosis, and the man in charge has an orange shoulder bell so, for a laugh, I get an orange strap made, and will use that when I troop with them so that I look more official. It's lucky that the guy I get my spares from is so able to churn almost anything out. Mauve stormtrooper, anybody ?



